About Us
CVPCSD provides treated water service to 632 customers within the Districts jurisdictions. The District purchases raw water from the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and receives water from the Bowman canal system, to the water treatment plant; located on Westridge Road. Treatment consists of flocculation and sedimentation and filtration to remove dirt and other organic material from the water. The “settled” water then passes through two multimedia filters that utilize anthracite (a type of coal) and fine sand to remove pathogens. The water is then chlorinated and stored in a Hypalon lined and covered reservoir; this cover was installed in the mid 1990's and has become fragile from sun UV rays. The 1.5 million gallon capacity reservoir will be decommissioned in the near future, once the first of two (2) 750,000 gallon treated water storage tanks becomes operational. Currently our treatment facility has the capability to treat up to 1,000,000 gallons per day, in the summer months.
On December 7, 1978, the Board of Directors passed a Resolution naming the Water Treatment Plant after Frank J. Weigl, an outstanding citizen of the district. From that time the water treatement plant has had the name, Frank J. Weigl Water Treatment Plant. A link to the Resolution is below.
Frank J. Weigl Treatment Plant.pdfPotable water is conveyed to your home through a network of transmission pipelines, which were the original lines placed in 1962. Upon negotiation with petitioning residents that had their ground wells going dry, the CVPCSD annexed-in those connections, and installed an auxiliary pipeline in the Gayle Loop Project area, which became operational in 2010. We maintain over 15 miles of pipeline.
CVPSCD also provides road maintenance on all the inner district, non-county designated and maintained roadways. As part of that road maintenance obligation we contract for tree trimming, to keep the county's required clearance of vegetation of two feet back and fifteen feet high.
Due to the escalating fire dangers, we strongly encourage the entire community to do their part, in particular all the homeowners who have parcels bordering the roadways and have landscaping or naturally growing trees, that do encroach over time, cut back, keeping these clearances for Emergency and large Vehicle passage. This also helps mitigate some fire risks, and potential damage to property and maintain visibility along the roadway especially at intersections.